Phases of Care

What if you found a health care profession that gave you much more than returning you to your pre-injury state and instead offered you, your health and your family’s health a profound long term change living a healthy pro-active style?

The staff at San Diego A.C.T.I.V.E. Chiropractic & Wellness Center provides patient care such as a case history details, perform physical, neurological and orthopedic examination, laboratory tests, and interpret x-rays, write individualized case management reports, educate with strong clinical report of findings and treat patients by adjusting the spinal column and extremities.

Total Health Optimization Program

The Matanza Technique

Medical doctors practice to cure a set symptoms, known as disease. Dis- EASE is the term used in Chiropractic to describe the body’s current condition of incoordination. Interference with the nervous system caused by a subluxation is what puts the body in state of incoordination.

In Chiropractic, ease is the lack of it. What this means in contrast with medical doctors is that chiropractors are not attempting to cure anything. The harmonious functioning human body is in a state of ease. When nervous system interference occurs putting the body in dis-ease it is a chiropractor’s duty to remove the interference so that the body may return to ease.

No human being can heal the body better than Innate Intelligence found within all of us. Innate Intelligence always functions at 100%. So, without restrictions or interference, Innate Intelligence will restore proper function and coordination to the tissue cells.Chiropractors are doctors of the nervous system helping the body stay in a state of ease.Chiropractors do not look to cure pain or symptoms, yet aide in Restoration.
